Friday 6 October 2017

React & Webpack Example

1. React & Webpack Example found from this url:

2. Code of React & Webpack Example

import * as React from "react";

class HelloParent extends React.Component<{}, {}> {
    constructor(prop) {
        //call parent class constructor

    private onNameChange(name) {
        //call child method from parent
    hellComponet: any;

    render() {
        return (<Hello ref={instance => { this.hellComponet = instance; }} name="Willson" onNameChange={this.onNameChange} />);


interface HelloProps {
    name: string;
    onNameChange: (name: string) => void;

interface HelloState {
    name: string;

class Hello extends React.Component<HelloProps, HelloState> {
    constructor(prop) {
        //call parent class constructor

        //Define State
        this.state = {
            name: "A"

        //set State
        this.setState({ name: "B" });

        //call parent class method from child

        //Bind the functions
        this.callByParent = this.callByParent.bind(this);

    componentWillMount() {

        //async call by the typescript promise
        let promises: Array<Promise<any>> = [];
        this.getMethod("", "", null, "", null, null, promises);

        //Core js Promise resolve all call.
        Promise.all(promises).then(() => { });


    private getMethod(url: string, baseUrl: string, headers: Array<string>, method: string, body: any, parser: any, promises: Promise<any>[]): void {
            fetch((url.indexOf("http") == 0 ? url : baseUrl + url), {
                credentials: 'same-origin',
                headers: headers,
                method: method,
                body: typeof body == "string" ? body : JSON.stringify(body)

    public callByParent() {


    render() {
        return <div>Hello, {}</div>;


export default Hello;